How the Internet was born : The Untold Story of ARPANET to the Internet

So you are here? this means you want to know internet history. ARPANET the network that  have became basis for todays Internet. The Concept that was first published in 1967, ARPA  (Advanced Research Projects Agency ) developed the ARPANET In 1969, And this idea became the reality after interconnection of four university computers. Purpose of this Network Connection was to communicate with and share computer resources among mainly scientific users at the connected institutions. The concept of ARPANET was to sending information in small units that where called packets these packets could be routed on different paths and reconstructed at their destination. And after the development of TCP/IP protocols in 1970s made it possible to expand the size of the network, which now had become a network of networks (The Internet), in an orderly way.
ARPANET interface for Xerox PARC’s PDP-10

In the 1980s, ARPANET was handed over to a separate new military network, the Defense Data Network, and NSFNet, a network of scientific and academic computers funded by the National Science Foundation. In 1995, NSFNet in turn began a phased withdrawal to turn the backbone of the Internet (called vBNS) over to a consortium of commercial backbone providers (PSINet, UUNET,ANS/AOL, Sprint, MCI, and AGIS-Net99).
The Internet that we use in recent times and we do so many activities online is just because of ARPANET our modern internet is based of ARPANET So why some people call ARPANET as DARPANET?This is because the of ARPANET name was changed to Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in 1971, ARPANET is sometimes referred to as DARPANET. (DARPA was changed back to ARPA in 1993 and back to DARPA again in 1996.) The was history the history of ARPANET today's Internet.Our Next topic is world wide web.


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